Saturday, 1 March 2014

wolves wearing wooly woven wellingtons

It has been several weeks since we have all had a boss in charge. Operator has yet to contact our team with details of a new boss yet, and none of the other minions want to disband just yet. We all work together so well, you see. It is not unusual for several months of down-time to pass without an operator organizing things. Although to be fair, since the "explosion" that vaporised the old boss, they have sent cleaners in to sort out some of the ensuing chaos and mess. We also still have the time-bubble that used to contain the original tardis too, as evidenced by the "new" couch, so that is a definite bonus.

While we wait for operator to organize a new boss, a few of us thought it would be nice to brainstorm some ideas on how we could go about rebuilding the lab. Needless to say not everyone's opinion was the same on the matter, however, after a couple of weeks without a boss and some mass debating by the whole team, we determined that we will need to build a new tardis door and a flux capacitor as well. Having a time-bubble in the same area as the new door will also help with a lot of the "heavy lifting" that constructing a tardis entails. While we still need blueprints, lists and further research into some of our basic ideas on how to approach such tasks - there is more than enough work to get the team focused and working together once again. It is amazing what you can get minions to do when you use the word b-a-n-a-n-a in its context or construct, and while I like to consider myself a connoseur of such yellow bendy things of goodness, simply the promise of it is enough for some. This is because sometimes the dream of it alone can become a powerful motivator.

So, it looks like there is more work ahead, at least until operator sends or spawns that new boss. Until then we shall press on with creating the interior of the tardis as best we can - the new boss can furnish it and/or redesign it when they get here. When I have some photo's of actual work in progress (in other words, once I find enough bana.. uh .. motivational tools?), I shall attempt to tweet them as work progresses. Until then, this is oddly abe signing out.

Oh, and as for the title of this post? think double-ewe!

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